Delmarva Poultry Seminar



October 3, 2023, from 9 am – 3:30 pm at the Wicomico Youth and Civic Center  |  500 Glen Ave, Salisbury, MD 21804

Hear from agriculture professionals and spend time talking with growers who have similar questions and challenges with their operations. Nutrient Management Credits available! 

Topics will include:

  • Main speaker and poultry economist, Amanda Martin, Director of Poultry at Express Markets, Inc.
  • Presentations on CAFOs, biosecurity, and keeping your farm in tip-top condition.
  • A panel on the benefits, processes and grants available for solar.
  • Ample time to visit and network with vendors.
  • And more!

If you have questions, please call 888.339.3334.

Poultry Seminar Location - Wicomico Youth and Civic Center


Farm Credit Delmarva Poultry Seminar Event Agenda


9 - 10 am Networking with Vendors & Guests
10 - 10:15 am Understanding the CAFO Permit Process
Dave Mister, Maryland Department of Agriculture
Aaron Givens, Delaware Department of Agriculture
10:15 - 10:45 am Biosecurity & Keeping Your Farm Safe (Presentation on behalf of Delmarva Chicken Association)
Dr. Carl Heeder, Senior Director of Avian Health & Nutrition
Dr. Michael Quist, Production Veterinarian
10:45 - 11 am Networking Break with Vendors & Guests
11 am - 12 pm From Coops to Cuisine: Exploring Chicken Production, Pricing and Trends in a Changing Climate
Amanda Martin, Director of Poultry at Express Markets, Inc.
12 - 1 pm Lunch & Networking Break with Vendors & Guests
1 - 1:45 pm Solar for Your Operation: Benefits, Tax Implications, and Grant Funding Available
Michael Hosterman, Farm Credit Accounting & Consulting Services Manager
Sam Parker, Poultry Grower
Bruce Weaver, State Energy Coordinator, USDA
Moderator: Ben Somers, Ag Relationship Manager with Farm Credit
1:45 - 2:15 pm Strategies to Improve Paw Quality
Jon Moyle, University of Maryland Extension
2:15 - 2:30 pm Networking Break with Vendors & Guests
2:30 - 3 pm Upgrading Poultry Facilities: Things to Consider and Questions to Ask
Georgie Cartanza, University of Delaware Extension
3 - 3:30 pm Closing Remarks


Nutrient Management Credits

The 2023 Farm Credit Poultry Seminar is proud to offer nutrient management credits to Delaware and Maryland growers. We will have sign-up sheets available for eligible participants on the day of the event. 

RSVP Today!

Join our Poultry Seminar and hear from agriculture professionals and industry members on October 3, 2023, at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center from 9 am - 3:30 pm