Annual Review: Enhancing Your Crop Insurance Strategy

As the new year unfolds, crop insurance agents throughout our footprint are gearing up to engage in discussions with producers about policy and operational adjustments for their upcoming spring crops. Annually, the Risk Management Agency introduces vital programs in various regions, necessitating clear explanations to producers to help them make informed decisions on potential policy enhancements for their operations. Amidst the evolving landscape of crop insurance programs, any changes within your operation also demand attention.
During the sales closing season, your agent seeks to identify any deviations from the prior year, such as renting, purchasing, or selling land, alterations in entity type, or changes in entity members. It is imperative for your agent to ensure that your policy accurately reflects these changes each year, safeguarding against complications in the event of a claim.
While crop insurance policies automatically renew, providing continuity in coverage, they must adapt to the dynamic nature of agricultural operations. Given the fluctuating input costs, commodity prices, and production history, an annual assessment of your policy becomes paramount. Scheduling a meeting or call with your agent is the optimal way to explore the array of options that crop insurance offers, tailoring your coverage to align with the evolving needs of your operation.
A knowledgeable and experienced crop insurance agent is a critical component to your support network, and can play a crucial role in keeping you informed about updates in the crop insurance program, ensuring your strategy remains effective amidst the ever-changing agricultural landscape.
When you’re ready to review your policy, or learn more about how crop insurance can benefit you and your business, give us a call to speak with a member of our crop insurance team today at 888.339.3334 or click here to learn more.